Moringa- The Miracle Plant!


Moringa, what the heck is it and why should it be part of my optimal health plan?

Moringa is a plant native to Africa and Asia and has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years. I first discovered this amazing plant when I was in Mexico a couple of years ago. In December 2019 I got unconfirmed covid-19 the morning of new years eve and was very unwell for over three weeks. Going into week 2 of feeling unwell, I felt so lethargic I couldn’t even walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. I had heart palpitations, I was craving crushed ice and red meat, I was hacking up mucous multiple times a day and I had a dry cough that kept me up at night. I had to do something because I really didn’t feel right and I was not in my comfort zone. At the time, covid was not a thing so I just assumed it was a bad cold. I needed to figure out what I could nourish myself with that was around my cute little beach neighbourhood. I kept seeing this green powder at a local health shop and everyone deemed as the “miracle plant” and yes, it was a miracle.

I started taking 2 doses every day of moringa powder and on the third day my energy started to come back and my mind became clearer. Once I started doing more research on this amazing plant I realized this was helping with my overall inflammation and lack of iron caused by what I felt was covid. It is now an essential part of my holistic toolbox and I consume it multiple times per week.

Please note, this is my own experience with moringa and covid, there are no scientific studies specifically on moringa helping with covid symptoms that I know of, but there are many studies showing the beneficial effects on inflammation, heart disease, immune health, Alzheimer’s and so much more.

The best part about this healing plant is that the whole plant can be used. The seeds are turned into nutrient dense oils for cooking and to moisturize your skin, the leaves get dried and turned into powder to be consumed in tea, smoothies or energy shots, the roots are boiled for various cooking uses and the fruit helps sterilize water. Moringa helps improve the health of millions of children living in developing countries due to its synergistic nutrient profile.

There are many varieties of the moringa plant but the most widely used and most studied variety is the (moringa oleifera). For the sake of time when I speak of the therapeutic benefits and doses I will be speaking mostly on the dried leaf powder form.

Nutritional Benefits of Moringa

High in Vitamin A
High in polyphenols
High in Vitamin C
High in iron
High in Vitamin A
High in calcium
High in antioxidants and polyphenols

It has all 9 essential amino acids and is almost a complete protein

Moringa has been shown to help with the following conditions

Reduces chronic inflammation
Alzheimer’s disease
Heart disease
Vision health
Malnourished population
Digestive issues such as ulcers, candida overgrowth and fungal overgrowth

How to Consume and Where To Purchase

I recommend purchasing the organic powdered leaf form of this plant. It can be purchased on Amazon, The Light Cellar in Calgary, Mary’s Naturals in Nanaimo and Community Farm Store in Duncan.
For a therapeutic dose, I take 1 teaspoon in 2oz of fresh orange juice mixed with 2oz of water twice a day. Mix it up with a small whisk or hand milk frother and chug it back. For ongoing use I take 1 teaspoon in 2oz of fresh juice and 2oz of water 3 times a week

So maybe it’s time to consider adding this amazing plant to your lifestyle and see what it can do for you and your optimal health lifestyle.

References and Links
15 minute video on Moringa

Scientist Studies Moringa

Moringa and Alzheimer's Disease and Heart Disease


Glutathione- Immune Health, lung Health and Alzheimer's Prevention

Christina and glutathione.jpeg

Glutathione, you can’t live without it!

Yes Master.

Glutathione is our master antioxidant created by OUR own body but sometimes we may need a little supplemental help. Glutathione helps build immune resiliance, fights oxidative stress, helps with detoxification in the liver and maintains optimal cellular function. Those are pretty big upstream functions that if not optimal, our bodies can not work optimally.

Almost all chronic illnesses have some form of oxidative stress to its root and glutathione is the KEY to reducing that damage.

Glutathione levels can be reduced in the body by many factors

  • Stress

  • Mold toxicity (mycotoxins)

  • Oxidative stress

  • Alcohol

  • Smoking

  • Heavy metal burden

  • Aging

  • Poor diet (especially high heat cooking and consuming refined vegetable oils)

I decided to write this article due to the importance of maintaining our immune health at this critical time and because of the abundance of wildfires this year in BC. Every summer in BC we seem to get a cluster of fires that fill the sky with smoke and overwork our amazing firemen and firewomen, and this year (2021) is no exception. In fact, it’s probably the worst year ever. The smoke from wildfires increases oxidative stress and lowers our immune function when we breathe it in. I wish that every firewoman and fireman would consider looking into supplementation of liposomal glutathione or NAC and see if it could be right for them. I always have bottles on hand for myself and my family if the fiery skies become thick with smoke. Remember, the dose makes the poison when it comes to environmental pollutants such as smoke and accumulation over the  years is what creates dis-ease in the body.

As for glutathione supplementation and Alzheimer’s disease and prevention, there have been many studies showing that one of the roots to Alzheimer’s disease is oxidative stress. As we age, glutathione reserves decrease and we become more susceptible to oxidative damage and can no longer repair the damage with our own natural glutathione, that is where considering supplemental glutathione could help. Please refer to links below for more information on Alzheimer’s and the important role of supplemental glutathione.

Glutathione (GSH) is used for many reasons

  • Toxin elimination

  • Cellular protection from stress and poor diet

  • Supports healthy inflammatory response

  • Supports mitochondria production

  • Strengthens immunity

  • Necessary for brain health

  • Alzheimer’s prevention

  • Endometriosis/ gut health

Glutathione’s reserves are mostly stored in our liver, so if our liver is not functioning properly our glutathione stores may be impacted. It’s like this; poor liver function = low GSH = sub-optimal cellular function = sub-optimal human = increased chance of dis-ease. Stressful daily life from poor air quality, forest fires, mind stress and physical stress can deplete our glutathione storages quickly.

It is recommended by most Functional Medicine Practitioners to use the liposomal form of glutathione in capsules or liquid (I like Chris Shades from Quick Silver or Pure Formulas) or you can choose to take NAC; a building block made up of specific amino acids that help support the natural production of glutathione.

NAC also has many other benefits

  • Aids in the production of glutathione

  • Helps remove excess estrogen

  • Strengthens  immune health

  • Helps with respiratory conditions such as COPD, asthma and bronchial inflammation 

  • It is a biofilm buster for mold and candida *

  • Prevents oxidative damage 

  • Inhibits replication of RNA viruses

  • Helps prevent the flu

  • Protects the lungs

  • Is  mucus thinner

* Biofilm from mold and candida is a protective barrier that enables the mold and candida to flourish in the body and keep us sub-optimal. NAC helps break down that biofilm in order to “Free up” the mold and candida and get removed from your body. It is important to sweat and keep our detoxification system optimal so that we can remove toxins from our body. I am adding this information in because if you do have underlying mold or candida when you start taking NAC you can possibly feel crappy because you are breaking down that biofilm. Please connect with your practitioner to help create an anti-fungal plan for you if you show positive mycotoxins from mold or an overgrowth of candida.

Please note that any supplement you are considering taking should be discussed with your health care practitioner. Supplements are powerful and I encourage you to do your own research on anything you are taking. Always check in after a certain amount of time with your health care provider to see if you still need to be taking a specific supplement. Please take responsibly optimal health seekers, always question!

As for glutathione some people have a hard time taking liposomal glutathione and NAC due to their specific health conditions such as, SIBO, histamine intolerance, high glutamate or for people that  cannot break down sulfur-containing compounds. It is recommended to start with a low dose and see if it gives you headaches and/or causes anxiety. If it does, you can always lower the dose or not take it at all. There are many other ways to support your body from oxidative stress such as sauna bathing, exercise, sleep and a healthy diet. Just by removing rancid seed/vegetable oils and alcohol from your diet you are reducing oxidative stress which helps keep your glutathione reserves for emergencies that are out of your control.

This is not a supplement I take all of the time, however I will go months taking it and then leaving it for a while. If I know my immune is low, I have much less energy or I am around a lot of environmental toxins such as smoke from wildfires, I will up my game and start taking NAC or Liposomal glutathione.

Links and Studies
