Want more calcium in your diet? Tahini and sesame seeds are have some of the most absorbable source of calcium. Tahini and honey and warm shiitake mushrooms go amazing together. I really hope you try this salad, you may be surprised at how addictive it is.
Raw Tahini Salad Dressing
Whole Foods- Tahini Salad Dressing
I can not take credit for this recipe, although I wish I could because it's so versatile and delicious. This recipe came from Chad Sarno's cook book called Crazy Sexy Kitchen. I of course, tweaked it a little and I suppose I could say that the extra LOVE comes from the Sriracha hot sauce. Tahini is just finely ground up sesame seeds; Sesame seeds contain the highest source of absorbable calcium out of any food! So stop drinking cows milk to get your calcium, it is not a good absorbable source and it actually makes the body very acidic. Disease grows in acidic bodies.